Friday, February 25, 2011


Tonight I was going to make my mom and dad dinner so they could have their own little date-type-thing.  Well then mom tells me that dad will be out plowing after work so that makes me sort of bummed out.  So I say well I will just let mom have dinner herself and I can be her server.....and I ask mom "What are you planing on having for dinner?"  And of course I didn't tell her what I was doing so it could be a suprise....and so she says "Well, I did have some chicken out."  So now I don't think I can do anything for her and it took me a LONG time to get that ready for I cant really do it. :'(  I'll just need to do some begging and see how much I can get out of that!  Hopes up for me tonight!!!!
I'm hoping!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Busy, busy busy!

Today is going to be SO busy!  I have to work and then I'm going to my Noni's house....I'm pretty sure of it.  And then I'm going to go sledding with my grandparents. 
So its going to be somewhat like this:
7:30-Get dressed
7:50-Sit and relax for a minute
8:00-Brush my teeth, do make-up ect.
8:35-Eat something
9:00-Make sure everyone is awake
9:10-Make sure ALL of my stuff is together and I'm almost ready to leave
9:30-Load everything into mom's car
9:45-Make sure I have ALL & extra snowclothes
10:00-Do whatever until I leave-->Make sure evrything's ready!
Well, thats my morning until I'm off to work!

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Tommarrow is going to be a buy day....need to work, ganna spend some time with Noni and ganna go sledding with Grampa and Nana.  So bored and I've been making alot of doggie clothing lately so I'm very exited.  Can't wait for I don't know what...well, lots of fun!!!
Have a good evening!

Friday, January 21, 2011


Just got done with my first job and I think I did good. I cleared off two deccks and then I made a path and my boss(es) weren't home (not going to say names).  Now my back hurts and oh crap my cell phone is in my snowpants right back!  Okay it was just a little cold!  Now my back feels screwed-up :o(  And I was really thristy!
Now I'm better!


I got bored so I made Mom a scarf and so I thought something was in my head I think "I should make Maxie a scarf!"  So I go and I make one then I say something is STILL missing.  I go upstairs sit on my bed and think "What goes with a scarf?"  So I say A COAT!!  I cut some fabric into a rectangle and cut the top corners of,  fold that down and staple it,  the I cut two holes in it and put the string through so I can tie it.  So I go and steal Maxie for a minute and the he has the cutest Matching cote and scarf!!
Stay safe!

Yay! (Again:o) ==l>)

Well.....scence today is a snow-day I'm guessing tommarrow I will be startin' business!  Maybe my bosses will have me come tommarrow, well I know two or three of them are having me sometime this weekend.  I can't wait to start business with all them!!!
Have a great day and stay safe!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Relaxing & Thinking.

Trying to think of my business schedule I'm thinking I might be a little busy.  I really want this snow mobile and if you click on this you can see it:
 Anyways I'm sitting blogging and watching Deal or No Deal.  I really want a snowmobile though.  Hope I can get all the moneu I need in time!
Check out my sisters website at this site:
Have a great day!

Monday, January 17, 2011


I have a few people who hired me and I cant wait for more people too!  I really want that snowmobile..LOL! :o)  Lets see if I can get I good night rest and make people hire me.....just joking!  Nighty Nighty everyone and sweat dreams!


Well,  my businesss is I will shovel a path for you for $5.00 and I will take ALL of the snow of your car for $5.  Sometimes you can buy fish from me for: $2 for a yellow perch (I never get white perch but if I get one it will be $3-$4 depending on the size), $1 if anyone wants a bass, any other fish that isn't that special $1, and $5 for a trout (If we get one and I know where they are....and the price depends on the size).  And when I go ice fishing which next year will be MUCH easier because the money I get is going to a snowmobile!  And a basket for the stuff (Traps, Bait, ect.) fuel, and a helmet.  Cant wait to get started!  I'm ganna be riding that ALL day long!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Well....I'm trying to start my own shoveling buisness but so far I haven't done the best.  My hopes are up people will like it!

Money and Issues.....

Well, my sister and I were having a great time sorting out money and then she brings up an issue that always  bothers me. And now I'm as upset as can be and I feel bad :o(  Lets see how the night goes.....Talk to you later!

Ice Fishing Today!--->And Snowmobiles:o)

Well,  I didn't catch a fish but my uncle caught 7 Yellow Perches and one Small Mouth Bass.  I atleast leared how to ride a snowmobile!!  Does anyone know how much desent ones cost???  Well that was LOTS of fun while I went ice fishing.....hope we dod it again soon.  Hope I get some money so I can buy one!! LOL!


It's almost time to go!  We're going to my uncles cottage around 10:00 and he knows I LOVE Fishing/Ice Fishing and in the summer he lets my family go swimming there so it will be a blast! 
This summer I cought my first fish and it was a baby large mouth bass....thats when Noni, My Uncle, Sissy and I went trolling and sis cought a middle-aged Small Mouth Bass and I was upset I didn't get a fish...(Sis got hers BEFORE we wen't trolling). :o)  Then my uncle said "we should go trolling and see if we can catch anything that way."  So we went trolling and then I freaked out saying "I think I've got something!"  So we pulled it up and it was just seaweed :o( Bumer.  So we started going again....I freak out even more than the last time and my uncle says "Give me your pole,  while you stear the boat."  So of course I go stear the boat while he's realing in the fish. And guess what....Sissy's freaking out because the fish she caught is moving around everywhere in the bucket Noni's trying to help my uncle while I'm having issues standing and stearing the boat which is the most important! So my fish ended up being a baby Large Mouth Bass!  Lets see if I can catch anything Ice Fishing----I usually NEVER do!  Talk to you when I get back!!!

Ice Fishing!

Getting ready to go Ice Fishing with the family!  I just got a new ice fishing trap last year and I havn't used it so I'm going to have so much fun :oD   For christmas though I wanted a new Fishing pole and I got's a really bright red and it's sooooo pretty!
 Marley's getting on my nerve so much he keeps peeing on the floor and now he peed on me and sissy's tent :o(......(Way to go Marley!!)  Now he's locked up in the crate and he'll stay there for a while!
Can't wait to tell you how my Ice Fishing trip went!  I'm so hungry :o(  Cant wait til' I get home So
I can blog some more!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Today :o)

Today mom and I were taking videos of the pups!  I can't wait until they get a bit bigger....the other puppies (espially Matilda) will want to play with them ALL the time.  Mari has had a afew breaks now and then but she still spends alot of time with her puppies......before that long she won't wan't ANYTHING to do with them!  LOL!
Tommarrow I'm going ice fishing with the family.....lukily mom doesn't work!  I'm so exited to have a blog to share with you!!